Blaze Bicycles
Bicycles About Fit Events Contact

Please use this page to send us your body dimensions along with general information about your custom bicycle. It's helpful to include any relevant info about the specifics of your body. This does not replace a conversation with the builder before we start your frame. This way we have your dimensions on file and can start the conversation with better ideas for you bicycle.

It's helpful to have a friend on hand to help take these quick measurements. You can enter the data as inches just be sure to note that.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 310 756 2389.

  General Info        
  Body Dimensions        

Overall Height

overall height Theigh Lengh thigh lenght

This is the lenght of the entire body. Feet are flat on the ground with no shoes.

Measure from the top of head to the ground.

Just like for the Leg lenght but this time measure only to the center of the knee.

Body Hight body height Inseam inseam

The body hight is the same as the full body height but measuted from the sternum rather than the top of the head.

Measure from the feet to the sternum

This is a very important measurment. Use a book or a ruler and place it so tht its flush with your pevic bone. Meansure down from this point to the ground.

Shoulder Width shoulder_width Leg Lenght leg lenght

Shoulder width is from the left arm socket to right arm socket.

Find you hip socketet with you fingers and measure from there to the ground.

Arm Lenght armlenght Weigth weight

Measure from you arm socket all the way down to the palm of you hand. Your arm should be extended and you palm facing forward.

Your body weight in riding gear

Foot Lenght shoe size  

Please provide your shoe size.






 | call: (310) 756 2389 | copyright: 2011